
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ordo Funebris-Divine Tragedy

Album:Cantar a la Morte: Fabula Triste

When the roses lose her aroma
When the moon lose bright
Feel the night that sings our song
Feel the shadows that whisper misfortunes

It's time to die...

Only a tear of your soul gives me peace
Only one of your dreams make my world
Feel the night that sings our song
Feel the shadows that whisper misfortunes

It's time to die...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Trobar de Morte-The Harp of Dagda


My harp flies to me!
And it sings that magic melody.
My harp flies to me!
And it cause sleep for the eternity.
My harp flies to me!
And it you bring us the happiness.
My harp flies to me!
And it cause the sadness this night.
Dagda, and its delighted harp,
The ruler of life and death.
Dagda, God of the earth,
The master of the magic and the war.
Dagda, you protect us and guide us toward the light.
Dagda, plays your harp eternally for us...

Trobar de Morte-The Sorceress

Album:Legends of Blood and Light

Sorceress, Sorceress, Sorceress.

If the moon bleeds into the gloomy shadow 
If the rays of the sun burn the lakes with mystery 
If toads and dead snakes rain from the sky 
Then without doubt 
It is she who summons close-by 

Sorceress, Sorceress, Sorceress. 

Trobar de Morte-The Fairies Wind

Album:Legends of Blood and Light

The lights of the day die slowly
Leaving the silent forests and giving the life to shadows.
Spirits and unknown, secret creatures
Awaken with the first light of the moon.
Summon the children of nature and call to the wind!
We will dance in this magical night...

Come feel the fairies` wind dance!
Come enjoy the fairies` wind dance!
Come dream in the fairies` wind dance!
Come with me and fly in this fairies` wind dance!

Dargaard-In Nomine Aeternitatis

Album:In Nomine Aeternitatis

So we awaked
In a place beyond space and time
Where mortal limits last no more.
We left the balance
And the fading world
Witout regret,
Without on more thought.
Carried by the shadows we drift
Into another sphere.
Erased are fear
And all emotions -
I feel the great collective now.
Within the everlasting void -
Time never existed
And constant...
Is all existence.

Dargaard-In Signo Mortis

Album:In Nomine Aeternitatis

Live...between the wolf in your heart
And the cross in your back.
Betrayed by your belief -
Sworn to your arms -
You had never any choice.
Thou will wander endlessly
In the shadows of thy doubt...
Possessed by your desires.
Fight for the wolf in your heart
Against the cross in your back.
See the dark side of thy soul
As clear as thou
Once have seen the sun.
Enjoy the pain that lies
In this tragic beauty
Of your being.
Death is worth to be worshipped
And damnation consists
Of undoubtly truth.
Thou broke the cross
And fell into everlasting darkness.

Te in signum mortis.
Te in corpore immortale.

Dargaard-Only The Blind Can See...

Album:In Nomine Aeternitatis

Down the halls,
Where no light glows-
Where once was life
Now shadows move.
Without mind,
Without a will
They search...
And never fade away,
The end of all paths is their aim,
But never they will find again
What was lost
In nowhere once,
In the space that is called time.
Down the halls,
Where the silence lasts,
In the dark where dust prevails
The shadows lurk
Beyond your sight
And follow you
To where you go.
Quietly they listen
To your breath,
And in obscurity
They wait for you.
You must move
To find the key
That only the blind can see.
Instead of wisdom
Thou need instinct.
But even if you call my name
A shadow you will be again.
Only the blind can see...

Dargaard-Caverna Obscura

Album:In Nomine Aeternitatis

Silva vetus stabat nulla violata
Securi et specus in media virgis
Ac vimine densus
Effigiens humilem lapidum
Compagibus arcum uberibus
Fecundus aquis, ubi conditus
Antro martius anguis erat
Cristis praesiginis et auro
Igne micant oculi,
Corpus timet omne
Venenis, tres vibrant linguae,
Triblici stant
Ordine pentes quem postquam
Tyria lucum de gente profecti
Infausto tetigere
Gradu demissaque
In undas urna declit sonitum,
Longo caput extulit
Antro caeruleus serpens
Horrendaque sibilia misit.
Effluxere urnae manibus,
Et attonitus subitus
Tremor occupat artus,
Ille volubilibus aquamosos
Nexibus orbes torquet
Et immensos saltu
Sinuatur in arcus ac media
Plus parte leves
Crectus in auras
Descipit omne
Nemus tontaque est
Corpore quanto,
Si totum spectes, geminas
Qui separat arctos
Nec mora phoenicas,
Sive ipse timor
Prohibebat utrumque, occupat.
Hos morsu,
Longis complexibus illos,
Hos necat adflatu
Funesti tabe venemi,
Sanguisque reliquit corpus.

Dargaard-The Infinite

Album:In Nomine Aeternitatis

Which way is the right path
As I stand upon
This chaotic crossroad of hate...
How many ways
Are there to roam
On this dark and damned
Road of fate...
There are many ways my son,
To find where the souls
Of demons remain...
But it takes only one second
Of despair
And of doubt until at last,
Your soul they will gain...
Inherit these lands,
These things,
These dreams that are yours,
Forever to adore
For there is no life,
In the depths of chaos,
My son for you to explore.
There are many ways my son,
To find where the souls
Of demons remain...
But it takes only one second
Of despair and of doubt
Until at last,
Your soul they will gain...
Inherit these lands,
These things,
These dreams that are yours,
Forever to adore
For there is no life,
In the depths of chaos,
My son for you to explore.

Dargaard-Underworld Domain

Album:In Nomine Aeternitatis

I never lived elsewhere
Than in dimensions of fear.
My spirit is enthroned in the land
Of the silent moving shadows.
Where a deep red fountain
Keeps a thousand lakes of blood.
And the stairways to nowhere
Are the only hope
That remains to the souls...
In this eternal realm of pain.
This is the only place
I can remember
In my ancient existence.
And the gate, I am.
Here it's not a question
Of life and death anymore,
But of torment and despair.
Here lie bodies
Of unnameable kinds,
Tortured by soulless demons
...and worse...
Goodness reflects the light,
And evil, bears the seeds
Of all darkness.
These are the mirrors of the soul,
The reflections of the mind.
So choose well, wanderer,
For here lurk truth and damnation.
It belongs to you
And your imagination.


Album:Eternity Rites

Blind eyes that see more
as what is hidden in your face
blind eyes see the skull
behind your skin.
It feels you're growing
older with every second.
It sees your decay in every minute.
A soulless corpse with wings of death.
A desolated mind without fears.
This is it what this entity belongs to -
not a linear existence

Dargaard-...Of Broken Stones

Album:Eternity Rites

Waters unleashed...
Fires unbound...
Ashes surround my feet
as i see how might could work... once more...
Shadows that embrace me
with their wings of frozen fears -
my elements the necromancer's dream -
tear flesh from bone...
separate the spirit from flesh.
Stones broke up, iron melted
as I set my feet at the shores of underworld
Now pure to enter the forbidden realms
I walked the path of spirit once more.
As pure as the prophecies had told.
"And he shall journey into the realms of the dead,
and hecontent with the forces therein
unto the very gates of despair,
to gain knowledge from the burning lands,
but never he shall return to the world of light."

Dargaard-Arcanum Mortis

Album:Eternity Rites

Ecce anus in mediis sedens annosa puellis
sacra facit Tacitae - nec tamen illa tacet -
et digitis tria tura tribus sub limine ponit,
qua brevis occultum mus sibi fecit iter...
tunc cantata ligat cum fusco licia plumbo
et septem nigras versat in ore fabas,
quodque pice adstriuxit, quod acu traiecit aena,
obsutum maenae torret in igne caput,
vina quoque instillat... vini quodcumque
relictum est, aut ipsa aut comites, plus
tamenipsa bibit, "hostiles linguas
inimicaque vinximus ora",
dicit discedens ebriaque exit anus.


Album:Eternity Rites

Here at the top of a mountain
in a clear night under the stars
that seem to fall every next moment
I receive a vision.
A vision of a rising empire.
An union of the strong,
built upon the hate in man.

Dargaard-Down To The Halls Of The Blind

Album:Eternity Rites

I can see what you see not.
Visions milky than eyes rot.
When you turn they will be gone
whispering their hidden song.
Then you see what cannot be:
Shadows move where light should be.
Death is their curse to the sun
to walk the way they had begun.
Out of darkness out of mind
cast down to the halls of the blind.

Dargaard-Demon Eyes

Album:Eternity Rites

I am one you called -
deep in the night you lost your soul.
Through demon eyes you saw
what lies behind the mask of life.
To ride with me - to cross the firesea...
were these your greatest dreams?
Eternal wisdom you will earn -
far away from present days.
Through demon eyes you saw
the spheres I left for centuries.
Shadows of the worlds beyond -
they touch you like a burning wind.
A circlegate of neverending journeys
in close to the eyes
you now call your own.
Walk the path of spirit
into dimensions unknown.
Through demon eyes you died.

Dargaard-Eternity Rite (Pt. 1 - Sight From The Abyss / The Confession & Prophecy)

Album:Eternity Rites

I feel this cold darkness
The very emptiness calls me.
Follow me on my path...
Come, sentence this world to death.
Mortal life is nothing -
compared to the void.
Your fears will be erased
As the thought reaches eternity
What once was balance is now broken.
As this shadows arised
from the depths beyond time and space -
The abysses beyond the line of mortal imagination
The light faded and left no source
I walked the void...
The light faded and left no source
I walked the void
The light faded and left no source
Here time is the traveler and I am the constant

There's sounds on the inside of your brain like jet aircraft taking off.
Your body comes apart if you aren't careful.
Rotted dogs crawl into your thoughts while you sleep.
Then one day you wake up saying: "I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy. I'm not."
At that point, you're already fucked.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Artesia-Chant d'automne

Album:Chant d'automne
Sous la lune d'un soir d'automne
Dans une clairière secrète
Chante la belle Dame Fée

Elle chante les mystères
Les ombres et la beauté
Et tout autour ils l'écoutent

Bientôt l'hiver sera là
Etendant son froid linceul
Et Dame Fée partira

Entendez le chant d'automne
Il file pareil au vent
Pourtant toujours il résonne

Quand givre et neige seront là
Vous serez tous endormis
Seule ma voix résonnera


Album: L'aube Morne
Avant que la nuit tombe 
Allons une dernière fois 
Entendre sous les feuillages 
Ces mots d'un autre temps

Ordo Funebris-Lacrima Profundere

Oh! my sadness scream my name
All darkness is waiting for me
Oh! sweet death forgive my sins
All the shadows drag my soul

My blood is like the rain...

My wish is realized... and ...the sky is crying
Now I'm lost into the darkness
I see the light... the warm light. ...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ordo Funebris- Lycanthia

Album:Cantar e La Morte Fabula Triste

Cuando la noche cae para reinar,
la luna comienza a brillar.
Las voces del bosque le gritan sin cesar:
‘no escuches la Dama Infernal’.
Aunque estos hechizos en trance dejarán,
de nada te convertirás.
Lycanthia es tu nombre, se escucha como aullar.
Siembras terror al pasar.

Sol, dale paz,
Manchada de sangre la luna alumbra.
Sol, dale paz,
Sus ojos abiertos ansían devorar.
Libérala del mal...

Triste Lycanthia camina hacia el Sol,
el tiempo transita veloz.
Su alma lo enciende deseando derramar
la sangre de seres sin más.
Cae la Luna, la bestia va a salir,
Lycanthia dispuesta a morir.
Clava una daga en su propio corazón,
rompiendo la maldición.

Sol, dale paz,
dando lugar a este triste final.
Sol, mírala,
Sus ojos cerrados en la eternidad.
Liberada del mal...